Yes, decided to have few lines in English now. These last days while in California I met with really great colleagues. Some of them know from ages now, others short time but had great discussions on music with them. It was a while since I had last met Kenny in Pleasanton...(2 years!). He's doing great, contolling the oligos like nobody and being so funny and good guy as ever.
I still am on shock when finishing that dinner in Burlingame couple of weeks ago, sitting with Mike and Angelique and she tells me that she follows some spanish groups like Delorean! and Astrud!
Yes, Delorean. Just forgot them in my previous list of Spanish groups! Yeah..."A qualquier otra parte"
and yes, Astrud...this is the second time that somebody mentions them in a non-expected place. First was back in 2000 when my fiance the (wife now) went for couple of month to Oxford. She came back saying "Xevi, you know, those guys over there love a song by an unknown spanish band that sings bailando, bailando..."...and then came to be the classic "Bailando" from "Astrud". Gay dance paranoias here!
And that was not all, aside of being a great leader for his team and the business, Mike confessed that the 4x 12" that are hanging on his walls are "Love will tear us Appar", "Unknown pleasures", "Blue Monday" and "Power, Corruption and Lies"...o my goth! Long talk on many obscure bands we both like "Eyeles in Gaza" that evening.
Not sure yet if this is gonna be formally in English from now on or, tornaré a fer-ho en català. Possiblement serà així.
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